The Body Healer
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The "I'm Right, Your Wrong" Pitfall

For many people, their diet becomes like a religion.  They believe that their theory is right and everyone else's is automatically wrong and unhealthy, and judge all other diets as something to be dismissed.  Some become intolerant of the food choices of others.  Even when information or studies may emerge about their own diet that may not be positive, they are swept under the rug in light of their new-found dietary wisdom.   

Arguing over diet choices

While there are foods that are nutritious and foods that are unhealthy, the reality is that when it comes down to dietary philosophies and eating habits, one way of eating will not be the same for everyone on the planet.  Climate and temperature, geographical availability of food, your state of mind, your growth path, and your own constitution all play important factors.  What is the Holy Grail for one person at any given moment in time may not be the Holy Grail for another.  

There have been times in my life when I have been a meat eater, and times when I have not.  I am now a vegetarian, and that works great for me.  It did not earlier in my life and, try as I may, and no matter how healthy I made my diet, I failed miserably when trying to give up meat.  Today, I have no interest in eating meat, and I can feel this is the right choice for my body.

Set A Healthy Example

If you know that someone close to you eats a highly processed diet of unhealthy foods, it is important to understand that they must want to make a change before you can help them.  You cannot save someone that does not want to be saved.  They must be ready and willing to make the transition to healthier eating habits, and want to hear what they must do to make that transition.  Usually, this happens as a result of a health condition such as diabetes, or cancer, or heart disease.  But sometimes, even these wake-up calls are not enough.  

By setting the best example you can, making healthy suggestions, and preparing healthy dishes, your efforts will be more fruitful than if you try to force your opinion.  Preaching that others are wrong and you are right is not self-serving, and definitely does not serve others.  It will only serve to make you unpopular and dogmatic.

From a spiritual standpoint, we each have lessons to learn on our personal growth path.  We are unable to see the growth path another person is on, and their eating habits and the consequences of those eating habits are all part of that growth path.  We cannot see the bigger picture and therefore we should not stand in judgment.

Recognizing and honoring your own path, as well as the path of another is important.  Our habits, including our eating habits, will often change as a result of our life's experiences.  They may be worse at some times and better at others.  Eating habits that cause challenging health conditions may be incredibly traumatic, but they often come bearing important learning lessons and lead us to experiencing a deeper appreciation of life.  

Make a conscious decision to lead by example, and let your success help become someone else's guiding light.