The Body Healer
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Understanding Cancer

Cancer cellCancer cells develop in all of us.  In fact, they are present in every human being.  When we are healthy and our immune system is strong, these cells are easily identified and destroyed before they progress to become a tumor.  As long as our immune system is healthy, it will continue to protect us from the development of a cancerous condition.

If our immune system has become compromised or overwhelmed, these cancer cells are not destroyed, or are not destroyed in a timely manner.  They begin to multiply and set the stage for cancer.  

What Is Cancer

The body is made up of many different types of cells.  When we are healthy, these cells grow and produce more cells when needed to replace other cells that have died or become damaged.  On any given day, the body produces an estimated 500 million new cells and maintaining the health of these cells is very important.

They key to understanding why cancer cells overwhelm the body is understanding the DNA instruction and replication in our cells (the blueprint of the body).  If the DNA in the original cell becomes in some way damaged, then the copy will be damaged too.  The damaged cells begin to reproduce a mirror image of themselves, and begin to grown and divide abnormally.  They also do not die when they should, and replicate new cells at an accelerated rate, even when the body does not need them.

These damaged cells can then collect to become a mass called a tumor.  There are two types of tumors:

BENIGN  tumors are not cancerous and do not need to be removed unless they cause discomfort or pressure on other organs.  If they are removed, they usually do not come back.  Benign tumor do not spread to other areas of the body.

MALIGNANT tumors are cancerous, invading nearby tissues and spreading to other parts of the body.  When cancerous cells migrate to other areas of the body, this is called metastasis.

Some cancers, such as leukemia or bone marrow, do not form tumors.

Types of Cancer

There are over 100 different types of cancer which are grouped into 5 major categories(1):

  1. Sarcoma
    Cancer cells that begin in the fat, muscle, bone, cartilage, blood vessels, or other connective tissue.

  2. Carcinoma 
    Cancer cells that begin in the skin or tissues that line or cover internal organs.  Examples include adenocarcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and transitional cell carcinoma.

  3. Leukemia
    Cancer cells that begin in blood-forming tissue such as bone marrow, entering the blood.

  4. Lymphoma / Myeloma
    Cancer cells that begin in the cells of the immune system.

  5. Central Nervous System Cancers
    Cancer cells that begin in the tissues of the brain and spinal cord.

What Causes Cancer

What causes cancer?Contrary to what you may have heard, cancer is a disease of our diet, environmental, and lifestyle habits.  It is NOT primarily a disease of genetics, and if a family member has cancer, this does not mean you are likely to get cancer too.  In fact, inheriting a cancer-causing gene is very uncommon and is responsible for a mere 5% of cancers.  

The cell mutation responsible for cancer is primarily a result of a combination of factors that cause chronic inflammation within the body and wear down the immune system:

  1. Chemicalized & Industrialized Foods
    There is no doubt that the arrival of cancer correlates with the chemicalization of our food chain.  Cancer and autoimmune conditions in general tend to thrive in industrialized countries. 
    -  Refined and processed foods
    -  Food additives & chemicals
    -  Pesticides in foods
    -  Genetically modified foods
    -  Factory farmed meat & dairy
    When we feed our bodies these "foods," not only do we cause our bodies harm, we also deprive it of the very nutrients that strengthen and protect it.

  2. Cooking Methods
    Eating a diet that primarily consists of:
    -  Irradiated & microwaved food
    -  Food cooked at high temperatures

  3. Chronic Stress
    A primary cause of chronic inflammation, the formation of free radicals, and premature aging.  It is a contributing factor to many serious health conditions and autoimmune disorders and can have a very serious and debilitating effect on the body.

  4. Environmental & Industrial Toxins
    Many toxins in are environment are carcinogenic (cancer-causing) and are considered mutagens (they damage our DNA and trigger cell mutation).
    -  In the air we breathe
    -  In the water we drink
    -  In our household cleaning products
    -  In our household and garden pesticides
    -  In our personal care products (soaps, shampoos, conditioners, cosmetics...)
    -  Industrial pollutants in the area we live
    -  Ingredients in some of the vaccines we are given

  5. Infections
    The presence of infections can trigger cancer.  These include the link between HPV and cervical cancer, candida and breast cancer, and chlamydia and lymphoma.  When the infection itself is treated, studies have shown that the cancer progression resulting from the infection also stops.

  6. Drugs & Medications
    Whether recreational drugs, prescription medications, or over-the-counter medications, when taken for extended periods they suppress the immune system and damage the organs and tissues of the bodies.

  7. Stimulants
    The continual forced stimulation of the body from stimulants in energy drinks, caffeine, supplements, and amphetamines has an overall depleting effect on the body.  These stimulants manipulate the adrenal glands into pumping out cortisol and adrenaline, wearing down the body over time and contributing to thyroid conditions, adrenal fatigue, and chronic fatigue.

Why Can't We Pinpoint An Exact Cause?

Why?The reason we are unable to pinpoint the exact cause of many cancers is because cancer is a breakdown of the immune system, and this breakdown is caused by a combination of the 7 factors listed above.  These 7 factors set the foundation for cancer by creating hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, and compromising the functioning of all our organs, especially the liver, kidneys, pancreas, and heart.  

This is why preventing and treating cancer is a whole-body approach.  For example, you can eat the healthiest diet on the planet, but if you remain chronically stressed or depressed, your chances of developing cancer or another chronic disease is high.

We know for certain that the factors listed above lower the resiliency of the immune system and set the state for cancer.  When we take a look at the diet, lifestyle, and environment of traditional cultures we see a complete absence of not only cancer, but also other chronic and degenerative diseases.  We also see a complete absence of these factors.  In fact, there are areas on the globe today where there has never been one single incidence of cancer, areas that have not been tainted by modern western living.

Why Treatments Work For Some, Not Others

There are many reasons why cancer therapies (whether traditional or natural) succeed in one person, yet appear to yield no positive results for others, as well as why some cancers remain in remission for many years (or permanently) in some, yet return much sooner and more aggressively in others.

The main reason that a specific therapy can heal one person and fail to heal another is because each individual is different.  The diet, lifestyle, and environmental factors that contributed to the development of their cancer are unique and specific to them.  The short-term or long-term success of the treatment is dependent on how far the disease has progressed, the type of treatment chosen, how dedicated the person is replacing unhealthy foods and lifestyle habits with new ones, the mindset the treatment is approached with, the successful management of stress, and the resiliency of the immune system.

As you can see, these factors vary considerably from person to person.  One thing we do know for certain is that the main reason cancer comes out off remission is because the root cause of the cancer is not fully addressed.

Cancer Treatment Approaches 

When it comes to treating cancer, there are 3 different treatment approaches to choose from:

Conventional | Natural | Integrative  
Let's take a look at the big differences between each approach and discover what works best.  ...Read more
The Body HealerThe Body Healer Protocol

The Body Healer Protocol is a 100% natural, non-invasive method of treating cancer naturally.  Learn how you can treat and heal from cancer with specific anti-cancer foods and lifestyle changes.  Learn more here...