The Body Healer
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VaccinationsEver since vaccinations were introduced 200 years ago, they have become a very controversial topic, with arguments both for and against them.

  • On one hand, vaccinations are an important part of our health and protect us from dangerous diseases.  History has shown that vaccinations have both halted and prevented serious health epidemics.  

  • On the other hand, there is definitive proof that vaccinations and their schedules/dosages can pose a serious threat to our health, and have caused serious health issues including brain damage & death.  Given to infants at an age where their immune system is not fully developed, they have been linked to asthma and developmental problems such as autism and Asperger's. 

Both sides offer compelling arguments and both points are valid.  But regardless of the viewpoint, vaccinations are an important advance in human health.

Vaccines & your immune system...

"In March, 2011, the US Supreme Court ruled that you can NOT sue drug companies over vaccines because vaccines are considered

unavoidably unsafe."


We owe it to our children to look into anything they are exposed to, whether it be eaten, played with, or injected.  Children are dependent on parents to make educated choices for them when they cannot do it themselves.  

In a day and age where our food chain is heavily contaminated with unnatural and toxic ingredients, and the average American is over-medicated and suffering from a variety of chronic disease, we can't just blindly trust authority figures and our government to tell us what's best for our health.  Clearly, that approach has failed us miserably. 

The FDA:  Failure to protect the food chain... 

Unfortunately, the government has been less than forthcoming about the risks, largely because of the powerful pharmaceutical lobbyists in Washington.  When it comes to vaccinating your children, make the decision based on knowledge, and thoroughly research both the pros and cons of the vaccine before deciding to move forward.

Making an educated decision on vaccinations...


35 years ago, 7 vaccines were given to infants and children.  Today, children who follow the schedule recommended for the CDC receive 69 doses of 16 vaccines by the time they have reached 6 yrs old, the highest amount given in any country worldwide.

As if 16 vaccinations isn't enough, the pharmaceutical giants have 145 new vaccines in development and want to make them all mandatory.  Billions in profit are riding on them.

A child’s immune system continues to develop and strengthen long after birth.  Because of this, other countries strongly disagree with the US vaccination schedule when it comes to infants under 2 years of age, believing it is not strong enough to withstand such an overload without health consequences.  

  • In Japan, the minimum vaccination age is 2 yrs, and yet Japan boasts one of the lowest infant mortality rates.  In comparison, the US is an abysmal 34th place.      

  • In Australia, the flu vaccine was suspended in 2010 for children under 5 due to the significant increase of children in hospital emergency rooms suffering from either febrile convulsions, or other vaccine reactions within hours of getting the shot.  

The longer you wait, the more likely your child’s immune system will be strong enough to handle the onslaught with minimal damage.

Use Titer Tests & Avoid Re-vaccination!

A titer test is a simple blood test that shows whether your body still holds antibodies from the first vaccination, making re-vaccination unnecessary.  They are available at many doctors' offices, and can drastically reduce the amount of re-vaccinations necessary.  Titer tests are medically valid documents at schools and child daycare facilities.

Titer Test Your Pets

Titer tests are also common at veterinary clinics (and standard procedure at Naturopathic veterinary clinics), and they are valid at daycare and boarding facilities.  Many pet owners are told by their vets that their dogs and cats need the combo shot for distemper, parvo, and other illnesses, yet titer tests show that antibodies in many pets are still high enough to not require any re-vaccination for up to 6-7 years after the initial shot.   This makes the current vaccination schedule highly questionable.  The test ranges from $50-$100 and should be performed every 2-3 years.

It has been 4 years since our pup received her shot combo, and her antibodies are still going strong based on her recent titer tests.  We strongly recommend taking a titer before considering ANY re-vaccination.

Learn more about pet vaccinations...

The National Vaccine Injury Act

"Since 1988, the government has awarded over $2 billion in payouts to more than 1,300 families whose children suffered brain damage from vaccines."


In 1986, Congress recognized that vaccines may have the ability to injure and kill children, and passed the National Vaccine Injury Act.  This action was in response to a large number of lawsuits filed, claiming vaccines were causing adverse reactions, including brain damage and death.

The act was created for two reasons:

  1. To compensate victims.

  2. To protect medical professionals and vaccine manufacturers from any liability if an individual suffers injury or death from receiving a vaccine.  The act essentially protects doctors and pharmaceutical companies from being sued for injuries resulting from their products.  Instead, the government will pay victims in the event an injury is proven in connection with a vaccine.

Hundreds of thousands of adverse reactions to vaccines have been report to the federal government.  Since 1988, the government has awarded over $2 billion in payouts to more than 1,300 families whose children suffered brain damage from vaccines.

Vaccines Are Big Business

Vaccines are a massive business.  Today, companies like Merck bring in billions by manufacturing vaccines for everything from chicken pox, to the flu.  Three major vaccination manufacturers made the Fortune 500 list in 2011:

$8.2Bn (Pfizer) leaf $861Mn (Merck) leaf $5.1Bn (Eli Lilly)

The federal government is the largest buyer of vaccines in the country, administering these vaccines through government-funded public immunization programs that provide millions of vaccines to babies, adults and pets each year.(1)

Vaccine Controversy

The vaccine controversy results from the government’s power to not inform the public of the serious risks associated with vaccines today.  This prevents parents from making a much more informed decision, and being able to carefully weigh the benefits against the risk.  Vaccines are pharmaceutical products that do carry risks of injury or death, no matter how small.  They affect each person differently, and parents deserve to be given truthful and unbiased information about both the disease and the vaccine.

"Fully vaccinated children are NOT healthier than non-vaccinated children.  Vaccinated children suffer up to 30% more from chronic illnesses, autism, asthma, allergies, & infections."


Chronic health problems, along with the realization that the right to information is being denied, is causing a growing number of parents and concerned individuals to demand that questions about safety and appropriateness be addressed.

While most people are aware that there may be vaccine side effects, they believe them to be rare and inconsequential compared to the benefit of disease prevention.  In other words, they believe that the benefit of saving millions of lives from disease epidemics by mass vaccination outweighs the assumed rare incidence of death by vaccine.  But there is mounting evidence that this is not the case.

Vaccinations may actually be contributing to the increase in chronic disease today, and there is a serious question as to their safety.  The problem is that the symptoms and reactions are not always immediate.  In looking at the long-term health of those who were vaccinated against those who were not vaccinated, we are beginning to see disturbing correlations.

Wake-up Call

In the US, our children are the most highly vaccinated children in the world, and they are among the most chronically ill and disabled. 

The National Vaccine Information Center reports:

  • Today, the CDC admits that 1 in 6 America children are developmentally delayed.
  • During the past 25 years, the number of children with learning disabilities, ADHD, asthma, and diabetes has more than tripled.
  • During the past 25 years, the number of doses of vaccines that pediatricians give babies and children under age 6 has risen dramatically.
  • More than twice as many children have chronic brain and immune system dysfunction today than in the 1970’s when half as many vaccines were given to children.
  • An ongoing study of 12,583 participants showed that unvaccinated children are far less affected by common diseases than vaccinated children, most likely due to an uncompromised immune system.
  • According to the CDC, up to 98 million doses of the polio vaccine were exposed as containing a cancer-causing virus now believed to be responsible for causing millions of cancers in America.(2)  Though the CDC denies a definitive causal link between SV40 and cancer, it implies that the virus, which was supposedly removed from all polio vaccines in 1963, was problematic in relation to cancer development. "More than 98 million Americans received 1 or more doses of polio vaccine from 1955 to 1963 when a proportion of vaccine was contaminated with SV40," explains the CDC.  "It has been estimated that 10-30 million Americans could have received an SV40 contaminated dose of vaccine."
  • A survey in New Zealand of children born during or after 1977 revealed that none of the unvaccinated children had asthma events, whereas nearly 25% of the vaccinated children were treated for asthma by age 10.(3)
  • In 1992, a New Zealand group called the Immunization Awareness Society (IAS) surveyed 245 families with a total of 495 children.  The children were divided with 226 vaccinated and 269 unvaccinated. 81 of these families had both vaccinated and unvaccinated children.  The differences were dramatic, with unvaccinated children showing far less incidences of common childhood ailments than vaccinated children.(3)  Is the manipulation of the immune system with more and more vaccines in early life setting some children up for future chronic disease and disability?  The evidence definitely points in that direction.  Fully vaccinated children are NOT healthier than non-vaccinated children.  The opposite has been proven to be true.  Vaccinated children suffer more chronic illnesses, rates of autism, asthma, allergies, and infections that are as much as 30% higher.

State Law & Vaccines

Whether you have to vaccinate depends largely on what state you live in.  For up-to-date state laws on vaccination, visit the National Vaccine Information Center.

The CDC 2019 vaccine schedule...


Depending on the state you live in, vaccine exemptions are permitted for various reasons:

But regardless of the laws in your state, if there is a "compelling State interest," such as the spread of a specific communicable disease, the vaccine exemption may not be valid for that vaccine, as not administering it may threaten the welfare of society as a whole.

Vaccine Ingredients

Some of the ingredients in vaccines are highly toxic and can cause severe neurological damage and autoimmune conditions - they may also be the primary reason for some of the vaccine injuries suffered.  

Vaccines contain a combination of dozens of different toxic additives, preservatives, and cell types introduced during the manufacturing process.  The cumulative effect of these toxins, particularly the heavy metals, is hotly debated.  Most vaccines are also given in a combination, and in doing so can potentially create a cumulative effect of toxicity. 

A partial list of vaccine ingredients includes:(1) 

  • Lab altered viruses and bacteria
  • Aluminum
  • Mercury
  • Formaldehyde
  • Phenoxyethanol
  • Gluteraldehyde
  • Sodium borate
  • Sodium chloride
  • Sodium acetate
  • Monosodium glutamate (MSG)
  • Hydrochloric acid
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Lactose
  • Gelatin
  • Yeast protein
  • Egg albumin
  • Bovine & human serum albumin
  • Antibiotics
  • Unidentified contaminants